Sterling Overseas > Tiles > Double Charge Vitrified

Double Charge Vitrified

Double charge – Double charge-vitrified tiles are created by a press that prints patterns on a tile with double layer of pigments (around 3-4 mm thicker than the other tiles). These tiles do not have much design options on offer but have a higher strength and durability when compared to other options.


Double charge – Double charge-vitrified tiles are created by a press that prints patterns on a tile with double layer of pigments (around 3-4 mm thicker than the other tiles). These tiles do not have much design options on offer but have a higher strength and durability when compared to other options.


  • Double charged tiles are long lasting as compared to other tiles
  • They can withstand heavy foot traffic without revealing any signs of wear and tear
  • These tiles have a homogeneous surface
  • They are stain resistant and do not collect dirt and grime easily
  • Double charged tiles do not need a strict maintenance
  • These tiles have the textile that resemble natural marble
  • They can retain their shine for a long time which add to their aesthetic appeals
  • These tiles are easy to install